25 research outputs found

    VTrackIt: A Synthetic Self-Driving Dataset with Infrastructure and Pooled Vehicle Information

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    Artificial intelligence solutions for Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) have been developed using publicly available datasets such as Argoverse, ApolloScape, Level5, and NuScenes. One major limitation of these datasets is the absence of infrastructure and/or pooled vehicle information like lane line type, vehicle speed, traffic signs, and intersections. Such information is necessary and not complementary to eliminating high-risk edge cases. The rapid advancements in Vehicle-to-Infrastructure and Vehicle-to-Vehicle technologies show promise that infrastructure and pooled vehicle information will soon be accessible in near real-time. Taking a leap in the future, we introduce the first comprehensive synthetic dataset with intelligent infrastructure and pooled vehicle information for advancing the next generation of AVs, named VTrackIt. We also introduce the first deep learning model (InfraGAN) for trajectory predictions that considers such information. Our experiments with InfraGAN show that the comprehensive information offered by VTrackIt reduces the number of high-risk edge cases. The VTrackIt dataset is available upon request under the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license at http://vtrackit.irda.club

    Partitioned EDF Scheduling in Multicore systems with Quality of Service constraints

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    International audienceIn this paper we study the partitioned EDF scheduling in a homogeneous multiprocessor environment with Quality of Service (QoS) constraints. The system considered here is a real-time multiprocessor system assumed to be powered by rechargeable batteries. We address the issue of how to best partition a set of firm real-time tasks that can occasionally skip one instance according to a predefined QoS threshold. The main goal is to minimize the energy consumption of the system while offering solutions with respect to transient energy starvation situations the system can experiment. The contribution of the paper is twofold. First, we present a schedulability analysis of firm multiprocessor task sets under QoS constraints. Second we propose new partitionning heuristics integrating skips. The evaluation is conducted from several points of view (minimization of the total processor number, maximization of the spare capacity on each processor)

    Prédiction de la fibrillation atriale à l'aide des signaux physiologiques

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    International audienceLa fibrillation atriale est une maladie du cœur qui se caractérise par une irrégularité des battements cardiaques pouvant causer d'autres complications comme un arrêt cardiaque ou la démence. Le but de cette étude est de prédire la survenue de la fibrillation atriale en se basant sur des signaux physiologiques mesurables à l'aide de capteurs non-invasifs. L'approche utilisée consiste à commencer par extraire des caractéristiques des signaux puis de construire une règle de décision en se basant sur la théorie des fonctions de croyances. Les données physiologiques ont été fournies par la base médicale MIMIC III. Le classifieur obtenue a prédit l'occurrence de la maladie avec une précision de 70,49%, une sensibilité de 77.07% et une spécificité de 63.9%

    Analyse du comportement sismique des massifs rocheux inclinés fracturés - Application au massif de Jezzine - Liban

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    Le Liban se caractérise par des hautes montagnes urbanisées avec des fortes pentes. Les principales structures sont le Mont Liban et l'Anti-Liban. En général, ces montagnes sont composées des formations rocheuses vieilles variant des roches sédimentaires (calcaire), de la dolomie et des cendres volcaniques. Plusieurs tremblements de terre ont frappé le Liban, dont les plus violents ont été enregistrés dans les années 551, 1202, 1759 et 1837, 1956 et 2008. L'accélération maximale du sol (Peak Ground Acceleration-PGA) pourrait dépasser 0,2g. En plus, un séisme majeur est prévu au Liban dans un futur proche. Avec la forte expansion démographique, les zones montagneuses sont largement peuplées. Compte tenu du risque sismique réel, il est nécessaire de mener des analyses de stabilité des massifs rocheux rencontrés dans la montagne afin de déterminer le risque d’instabilité de ces massifs et de prendre des mesures pour réduire leur risque d’instabilité sous chargement sismique. Dans ce papier, on presente la réponse sismique d’un massif rocheux incliné fracturé qui correspond à un cas réel au Liban. Le travail réalisé porte sur une modélisation numérique qui sera effectuée à l’aide du Code UDEC. Dans un premier temps, nous allons présenter l’approche numérique utilisée dans le code UDEC. Ensuite, on présente le cas étudié (géométrie, propriétés, chargement,..) et les analyses effectuées en prenant différentes familles des réseaux de fracturation


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    Shisha smoking is a common method of tobacco smoking in the Mediterranean Region with prevalence ranging between 20% and 70%. Actually, shisha smoking is becoming increasingly popular method of tobacco smoking worldwide. Pain is a subjective experience influenced by genetic, developmental, familial, psychological, social and cultural variables. An increase in pain tolerance threshold (Ptt) ,which is defined as the highest intensity of painful stimulation that a tested subject is able to tolerate, was noticed with cigarette smoking. However, the relation between shisha smoking and pain detection threshold (Pdt), defined as the lowest intensity of a painful stimulus at which the subject perceives pain and pain tolerance threshold (Ptt) has not been studied. The purpose of this study was to determine the association between Pdt and Ptt in shisha smokers in Lebanon. A total of 400 participants from different areas in Lebanon were recruited of which 216 were non-smokers and 184 were shisha-smokers. The sphygmomanometer cuff technique was used to detect Pdt and Ptt. As a result, the mean age of these participants was 27.46 years (standard deviation=11.79). Shisha-smoker male participants represented 53.7% while female shisha-smokers presented 40.8%. Pdt and Ptt were significantly greater in shisha smokers than in non-smokers with P = 0.001 and P \u3c 0.001 respectively. The mean number of heads of shisha smoked was 2.64 heads (standard deviation = 4.70). Both Pdt and Ptt are significantly increased in shisha smokers who smokes more heads of shisha per day with a p value of 0.031 and 0.002 respectively. However, in shisha smokers, the mean number of shisha smoking years was 2.68years (standard deviation = 5.22). Only Ptt significantly increased (P = 0.007) with more smoking years Moreover, Pdt and Ptt were both significantly higher (P \u3c 0.001) in males than in females. One may conclude that shisha smokers have higher tolerance thresholds for pain than non-smokers

    Structural Degradation Modeling Framework for Sparse Data Sets With an Application on Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Atrial fibrillation predictor with reject option using belief functions theory

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    International audienceThis paper proposes a novel approach for predicting atrial fibrillation. The novelty of this approach remains in the reject option. Instead of classifying all instances, it rejects ambiguous observations by leaving them with no decision. In other words, three labels are considered: sick, healthy and unknown. Using physiological signals of patients, the proposed approach extracts several features from the signals in real-time. Then, it uses the features as sources of information in the belief functions framework. Due to the information sources, masses are assigned to the labels, and a risk level of being sick is computed. Prediction is assumed ambiguous if the risk level is within the rejection region and the state is unknown; otherwise, a decision is made. The approach is validated using the MIMIC III database. Due to the reject option, the prediction accuracy increases from 59% to around 78%